Monday, September 20, 2010

So this is my coat of arms designed in Photoshop. Still getting use to using it... Not sure about all the workings of the program but I'm getting better. Anyway, this is the rough draft for digital studio. Hopefully, I'll have a cleaner, more finished one to post soon.


  1. Hey,

    It's funny because I did the exact same assignments as you! I believe you're in my class also. haha. All these projects are quite interesting, but it's a pain considering how time consuming it is, especially the Visual communications class. I never knew how tedious of work using text is! I also can't wait to see your finished draft of your Coat of Arms. Keep up the great work!

  2. That is just cool! I remember making a coat of arms in elementary school. It would be interesting to see how it might have changed and reflected who I am now vs who I was then.

  3. I was going to say I saw some white outline around the typewriter on the left side...until I read the rest of your post indicating it as a rough draft. Interesting collage of real objects with design elements. Did you sketch out the banners and scan them in?
